Re: Tiger penis...make you strong,
in all da right places. {June 18, 2001}
I know I owe charles
for da movie last time, his raps are good, but mine are divine. Angelina Jolie makes my penis wrangle, "lara you must
destroy da triiiagll".
No! ...No Im Right And Your wrong, thats why Im rappin this song I wouldnt want to see alexis
in a thong, that would take away my mound and drive my boner into the ground.
skills as a b-ball player, are alot to improve, but chris's fat ass cant even move.
Has naps like the ocean is blue, but if you piss him off in mid game He'll chuck "your" ball in the river too!
My raps are whack as you might see, but
If you diss me in Rhymes ill kick your ass like chung li
charles your coming to my house friday right
~ Brion Luetjen

Stella's Daily Rhyme Time Session
(June 19, 2001)
The following rap is in tune to Old Dirty Bastard's hit
Hey yo, I got the ill flow,
don't you know?, niggaz coming up to me askin' for dough.
They say, "Hey, Mt. WhitAy,
yo can I get some money?, don't you worry, say hey."
I hate these fucking bums damn why don't they get a
job, oh wait I forgot they already do cause all they do is rob.
They jump over the fence and into the creek so they can
steal a bike, I'm just telling the truth shouting it out to you cause I got control of the mic.
Them beasty girls come up to me and then lift up their
skirts, so I cannot take the smell anymore and I kick them where it hurts.
They say, "Hey Mt. WhitAy,
baby can I get some money, I'll give you a lay, baby, hey hey, baby can
I get some money?"
Damn these thugs just go away and stay where you belong,
and you know I got the skills so I can't be wrong, that's why I'm singing this song...
"Hey, Mt. WhitAy, yo
son can I get some money, don't you worry, say hey"

Stella's Daily Rhyme Time Session
(June 20, 2001)
Hey yo I'm Mount Whitey kickin' you the flow mid-week,
no nigga has my skills in all of Brooklyn - hell even the Creek...
I'm skinny as hell and stand tall like a tree,
it does a body good - ooooooooooooo C&C
Try to outrap me damn you've got a lot of guts,
this Friday you fools can "Fast and Furious" these nuts...
I'll make you cry from my terris as I make you dangle,
all because you couldn't do a simple thing and destroy the triangle...
When I drop you you won't have wings to fly like a parrot,
instead you'll lie bloody on the concrete of Starrett...
Don't fuck with me cause I'm the cream of the crops,
Luetjen's a good rapper too I'll give him my props...
Damn I can't stop eating it I just love Ramen,
when I chow down on those noodles I can't stop jammin'...
I said a hip hop, a hip it to the hip hop hop and you don't stop
a running to rhythm of my dick in your mouth...
Cause Trevin be big pimpin' he's spendin' G's,
think you got better hoes than him? - nigga please...
I'm tearing up the dirty flow, the dirty flow,
so Tory can take out his dough, and gimme $40, gimme $40,
gimme $40, gimme $40...
Diggity diggity can't stop, I know Crystal likes
that dirty pop, her game ain't nothing I'll wipe her off the floor with a mop...
Mmmmmmmm bop, skibbity wa doo op,
mmmmmmmmmmmm bop, Alexis is never get looso, mmmmmmmmm bop skibbity wa doo op yeah, with
Paul's mackin with the pre-teens at camp - he
tells them what he wants to do, "I wanna go deep inside of you"...
Yo Brion your raps are like deep fried chicken,
that shit is bangin' and kickin' ooooooo yeah...
Now that I'm done kicking my daily flow, I got
to do some work I gotta go...
A 1 a, a 2 a, a 1 a, a 2 a , a 1, a 2, a 3, I'm out!
~ Charles "Beastin' son beastin'" Stella
P.S. - What's the deal on Friday people?

whos said i cant rap?? {June
21, 2001)
my name is tory and i be mackin all the
shortys, charles will only see 10 ofthat 40. whats the deal with friday? i
guess we go hang out with brion cause his rhymes are gay. he be stankin all the damn day.
so dont play me like no fool i dont look like jarule. im about to go double
plastic from these rhymes, charles i be j'in all the time. who will win mvp? i been bustin everybodys ass so i guess its me,hehe. nobody can beat me.
wheres dustin to whine about he should win if you wote against me that would be a fucking sin, cause
you know my cross overs be makin you spin. crystal will never win sharpshooter again.
sincerly, your MVP 2001.

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {August
1, 2001}
Here I go, here I go, hitting you with some rhymes,
Brion and Tory each owe me 100 dimes.
Crystal was teaing up the courts Sunday like Becky Hammon,
I think I'll toast her with a glass of C&C and hot Ramen.
Why are you denying me Trevin of your delectable delights?,
that kinda stuff deserves not 1, not 2, but 3 OH YEAH RIGHTS!
This Saturday Alexis the "Queen Dork" is back at the Creek
and I think Alex's skills have sprung a leak.
His game has suffered like he's taking Crystal Meth,
but I think it's his hot, staggering, man-killing breath.
Remember when the time comes to cast your vote,
be a man and not a goat.
The best way to be man don't you see,
is to vote for Charles T. Stella as B-Ball M.V.P.
Ah ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
~ Charles "Kicker of the Year in
'00" Stella

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {August
3, 2001}
Here I go, here I go, kicking
you the ill flow, so listen to my rhymes cause they be like whoa...
The big news is some girl made Brion's cock go soarin',
who's the mystery girl?, could her name be Lauren?
15 years old tapping girls under the sun, compared
to macking with the youngens at age 21...
So Mr. Luetjen how long did you last?, did you
hit that shit for hours or bust really fast?
Shout and scream & ring the bell, he tapped
some girl just like a well...
If it's true that he made it with some Jane,
five are virgins, that's right five remain...
Not counting the girls who will be the next to stand tall?,
Alex, Tory, Trevin, Dustin, or Paul?
Who's will be the last to join us men?, won't
be Dustin cause he's almost there with Jen...
Could it be Tory, last year's b-ball M.V.P. ?,
he could be the one but just remember this year vote for me!...
Alex has a shot at staying a virgin until his death,
why you ask?, simple - uncircumsized with amazingly hot breath...
Last but not least we have Paul trying to make the dream real,
but please next time you're on a date don't forget your girl's happy meal...
In my opinion Dustin will be the next or so it seems,
just focus on Jen and not on special lotions and creams...
After my bro I think the second will be Paul,
I mean cut him some slack he can legally buy beer after all...
After Mr. Rocco the next to experience heaven,
will be my man Big Dog that's right Mr. Trevin...
Tory will follow keeping his meat fresh, so he
can unleash it to that girl, what's her name, Ladesh?
My pick to hit the skins in very last place,
is the man with the freckles on his face...
As for the ladies Ms. Ramado hopes to get looso,
only in her dreams will it be with Mancuso...
Just fucking with you Alexis there's always a way,
except for Crystal cause she's never gonna get Jose...
You will all experience the joy that is sex sooner or later,
well maybe not Alex the 1,000 times in a year masterbator...
Don't be sad, be happy with a jingle and a jangle,
or else I'll make it your job to destroy the triangle...
In closing, don't forget your goal, don't give up without a fight,
wait a second, uh oh, puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussy alright!
~ Charles "the early morning stone pimp" Stella
P.S. - Please reserve your ticket today for a one way non-stop
flight off of the Virgin Islands.

Stella's Rhyme Time Session + U2
REMIX {August 8, 2001}
Here I go, here I go, with that
Stella flow, so just relax, read my rhymes, and be like whoa...
Alexis you'll never get Mancuso when are you gonna learn,
I smell something, it's in the kitchen, Crystal don't let those biscuits burn!...
When is Alex gonna stop wearing that tight ass U.S. basketball
mesh?, Tory keeps dreaming about knocking the boots with Nadesh...
"Uh ohhhhhhhh, monkey pussy alright" is a new phrase,
I hope someone besides Brion and I starts to receive the free lays...
Damn Ms. Jetta is tearing up the Cocoa Puffs,
it won't help your game against my muffs...
Just keep tearing up the Pathmark bisuits 4 for a dollar,
whenever you make them give me a holler...
You can't hold me I don't want to make your knees go bleeding,
hmmmmmmmmm....pretty good pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaading...
My defense is tight and my game is as hot as stew,
how about a little U2?:
High, higher than the sun
I wanna bust like a gun
I need you to elevate my cock
I'll bust all over your tits
The corner of your lips
Ejaculate my cock
I've got no self control
Been living like a mole
Wanna go down on you real bad
Feels like I'm in the sky
My cock is soaring high
Make my cum fly
Your clit
It smells a little bit
But looks a perfect fit
Maybe you can let me stick it in
I won't even make a peep
Just let me penetrate real deep
The goal is ejaculation
A mole
Eating out your hole
I know you're about to cum right now
Going down, multiple orgasms
Your feet are pointed toward the sky
As I'm eating your hairpie
So high
That word has too many roots
For now let's knock the boots
So let's just fuck like jackrabbits for now
A mole
Fingering your hole
Jamming my cock up in there now
Going down, excavation
Here it comes
Out of the blue
I cover your face in goo
Now what do we do?
More ejaculation

Stella's Rhyme Time Session + "Macarena"
Remix {August 9, 2001}
Here I go, here I go, with the
phatty boombastic flow, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show...
Did you diggity dogsters enjoy my remix of U2?,
they say I'm the greatest true, true...
At the end of the session is another parody for your pleasure,
damn Alex's ant-eater is so small there's no way possible to measure...
If you want a chemical weapon you can use Brion's socks,
and if you want a deathtrap you can use Alex's mom's car (a.k.a. shit box)...
When people see Mr. Chojnowski's penis they say "Gadzooks!,"
what I'm saying is why doesn't everybody just SQUATCH THE DUKES?"
If he hits me with that breath one more time I'm turning around
and leavin', ooooooooooooo Alexis is never gonna get Steven...
In the mean time Queen Dork go cook me some biscuits from the
Path, and next time Brion comes over force him into a bath...
Tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait, if no one
does anything I'll hang with Kait...
So remember Tory and Brion that you better pay &
to Crystal HaPpY eArLy 19 BiRtHdAy!
~ Charles "Biggity Bigguns" Stella
P.S. - Here's my new remix of "Macarena" entitled "Masturbata"
Sitting in 10B and I know that I'm alona,
Damn I'm fucking horny cause I've got a huge ass
Grab my FHM cause there's a spread of Kournikova,
Heeey Masturbata!
I go a little faster and it's feeling kinda nicea,
Once won't be enough I might have to do it twicea,
If you wanna spank the monkey I can give you
some advicea,
Heeey Masturbata!
Try special lotions and creams or a little Vaselina,
Lay down some toilet paper to keep the Rocco/Ramdaou
couch cleana,
Never shake your hand cause you don't know where
it's beena,
Heeey Masturbata!
I do it in the bathroom and even in the movie
One hand in my popcorn and the other on my meata,
I can't get up at the end of the film cause I'm stickin'
to my seata,
Heeey Masturbata!
Since I watched Christy Canyon I've been a Masturbata,
Choke the chicken, flog the dolphin, squeezing the
I'm looking at Ms. August now I think I'll decorate
Heeey Mastrubata!
Uh oh here it comes now I'm really shakin' and bakin',
Feel like Jerky Jerkins and it's sticky starch I'm
What a rush I'm feeling good but now my hand is achin',
Heeey Masturbata!
Uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pussy alright!

HANSON REMIX...You wanted it Alexis,
you got it {August 10, 2001}
Before we get to the Hanson remix, let's have a little pre-song entertainment...
Top Ten Things To Do With A Hanson CD
10. Feed it to a dog 9. Use it as a frisbee 8. Pretend its a donut and eat it 7. Use it as a coaster 6. Use it as the flying saucer in fake UFO photos 5.
Use it as a dartboard 4. Burn it 3. Sharpen the edges and use it as a sawblade 2.
Return it 1.
Break it
SHUTup (a parody of MMMBop)
You have so many record contracts in this life And
so very few will last You work real hard to write lyrics Then the deals are gone so fast So keep the one you have
at the present By writing lyrics that make no sense But when your second album goes nowhere Can you tell me will
anyone care? Oh no, no one will care
Shut up, Hanson, shut up You guys are dumb schmucks Just shut up Shut
up, Hanson, shut up You must know that you suck Just shut up
Write some dumb words to keep that record deal Invent
a word and pretend it's real But what the hell does MMMbop mean? It's a secret no one knows Oh no, it's a secret
no one knows And no one cares
Shut up, Hanson, shut up You guys are dumb schmucks Just shut up Shut up,
Hanson, shut up All of your songs suck Just shut up
What are you talking 'bout? What the hell does MMMbop
mean? What are you talking 'bout? What the hell does MMMbop mean? When you lose all your girly hair, you'll care
up, Hanson, shut up You guys are dumb schmucks Just shut up Shut up, Hanson, shut up Just shut the hell up Shut
it up
Can you tell me? I know that it's not a real word Can you tell me why these lyrics are so absurd Can you
tell me? As though anyone really cares Can you tell me why your sales aren't going anywhere? Why don't you guys just
stop singing already?
Oh boy, you're in for a treat! It's
a remix of "SHUTup!" This one keeps that famous made-up word "MMMBop" but still has the same general meaning...
We won't have any
relationships in this life
Only one or two amongst
You're sitting through
all the crap in this song
Then you keep sitting
there, but it's so long
And they're going
to play us again real fast
So hold on to the
radio knob
In less than a month
we will be gone
When we start losing
our fans
Can you tell me who
will still care
Can you tell me who
will still care
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop Ba du bop, Ba du dop Ba du
Buy our CD, buy our
You can buy either
one of those
Keep buying to see
what grows
It's a secret our
banker knows
It's a secret our
banker knows
(Repeat Chorus)
In an mmm bop we're
In an mmm bop we're
not there.
In an mmm bop we're
In an mmm bop we're
not there.
Before we get pubic
But you don't care.
(Repeat Chorus)
Can you tell me?
You say you can but
you don't know.
Can you tell me who's
account is going to grow?
Can you tell me if
it's going to be those Atomic Kitten hos?
Can you tell me who's
account is going to grow?
Can you tell me?
You say you can but
you don't know.
~ Charles "Rhyme Time Session Guru" Stella
P.S. - Don't take offense by this Alexis. I don't
hate Hanson, I just don't like their music. Either way, you asked for it! See everyone today in la citta!

"NSYNC" Remix {August 13, 2001}
Sorry everyone but "STELLA'S RHYME TIME SESSION" for
August 13, 2001 has been cancelled. owever, you can enjoy the following remix of "Dirty Pop!"
Sick and tired of hearing NSYNC scream and
whine and shout What's the deal with this pop band and when are they gonna fade out? The thing you got to realize, what
they're doing is just a trend Does anybody hear my plea?, we gotta bring them to an end Come on, now...
It doesn't
matter, How hard they try, their music's just a wreck. All that matters, is that you recognize there's no talent
to detect! It doesn't matter, They're so popular, I wish their career would die! All that matters, is that they
are stopped, 'cause their music is such a crime. (come on now)
CHORUS: Do you ever wonder why, they climb the
charts so high? It makes me want to die, NSYNC should just quit while they're ahead Before we are all dead I've got
an aching head, come on now Will they please, stop
Gotta stop, they have to stop I really hate this dirty pop Will
they please
Now, why they wanna try to pacify the critics like they do Cause I'm not falling for their game, can
I say the same for you? I have nothing for NSYNC but animosity They gotta stop now, then we will be fine, people can't
you see
It doesn't matter, How hard they try, their music's just a wreck. All that matters, is that you
recognize there's no talent to detect! It doesn't matter, They're so popular, I wish their career would die! All
that matters, is that they are stopped, 'cause their music is such a crime. (come on)
Do you ever wonder why
(why), they climb the charts so high? (climb the charts so high) It makes me want to die, NSYNC should just
quit while they're ahead (Quit while they're ahead) Before we are all dead (Before we're dead) I've got an aching
head, people come on Will they please, stop
Ooooooooooooo Man I'm tired of NSYNC
stop Do you ever wonder wonder wonder wonder...
(oh) Do you ever wonder why (ever wonder why) They climb
the charts so high? (climb the charts so high) It makes me want to die, NSYNC should just quit while they're ahead (quit
while they're ahead) Before we are all dead (We're all dead) I've got an aching head, come on now Will they please...
you ever wonder why (Do you ever wonder) They climb the charts so high? (How they climb so high, baby) It makes
me want to die, NSYNC should just quit while they're ahead (quit while they're ahead) Before we are all dead... I've
got an aching head... Oh oh oh Will they please...
Do you ever wonder why (Ever wonder why) They climb
the charts so high? (How they climb so high) It makes me want to die, NSYNC should just quit while they're ahead (quit
while they're ahead) Before we are all dead... I've got an aching head... People come on
Will they please...

Stella's Rhyme Time Session + Limp
Bizkit Remix {August 15, 2001}
At all of your requests I'm back to my rhymes,
kicking the flow that makes good times...
My mom isn't home today so for dinner it looks like Ramen,
while Crystal tears up those burritos in hopes of playing like Hammon...
Ms. Jetta is leaving tomorrow forn the rest of the summer,
no more blasting NSYNC but it's still a bummer...
Welcome to my list Alex I think you'll find it fun,
you've finally got the internet and it's only 2001...
Don't be offended by my comments Choj & don't
get your nuts in a wrangle, or else I'll make you destroy the triangle...
My sessions are sometime offensive so don't be a wussy,
uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pussy!...
Alexis has expressed a concern about her photo for
my site, please people give me a GQ pic and wear nothing tight...
Paul is coming back on Saturday so I can school his ass
on the court, Tory - about Nadesh - MISSION ABORT!...
Oh shit my rhymes must be cut short because it's busy at
work, but cheer up the remix at the bottom is definitely a perk...
~ Charles "Defensive M.V.P. of Basketball" Stella
POSIN' (Parody to Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'")
Keep posin' posin' posin' posin',
WHAT?! Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', YEAH! Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', C'MON! Keep posin' posin' posin'
posin', NOWWWW
I know ya wanna pose like this right here F-A-K-E gangstas right here Fratboys in da house actin'
like they're from the hood Cuz if you look good, then we look good Now eenie-meenie-minne-to the mo, Doesn't even
matter what the lyrics are, yo! So put your left hand in Put your left hand out Do the hokey pokey, AND SHAKE IT
Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', WHAT?! Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', YEAH! Keep posin'
posin' posin' posin', C'MON! Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', YOOOOUUU
Wanna be like Limp Bizkit? Then you can
be like Limp Bizkit! Ya gotta sport the right gear Like these gold chains right here See this red hat of mine? You
gotta wear it all the time. And get some expensive shoes And a brutha to write your rhymes Now ya got your game set Do
we look the same yet? 24/7 be as hardcore as you can get Temporary tattoos Up and down your arms They only cost
Keep on posin', BABY! Throw your hands up!
Rap's in, and rock's
out! Act tough to be down Go on, sell out Tell ya what ya gotta do now, Hat back and pants down Dress up like
a clown Back up, black up Tell ya what ya gotta do now
Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', WHAT?! Keep posin'
posin' posin' posin', YEAH! Keep posin' posin' posin' posin', C'MON! Keep posin' posin' posin' posin'!
Thank you Mad TV!

Stella's Rhyme Time Session + Vagina
Song {August 16, 2001}
Here I go, here I go,
with my kick @$$ flow, will Alex ever knock the boots? - hmmm, my answer is no...
August 29, 2002 is when Alex needs to notch up some fucks,
or else Mr. Chojnowski owes me 20 bucks...
Whenever I call Trevin he answers "Mmmm big hairy cocks," for
future reference Tory never again wear those hot pink socks...
So is anybody up to see "Rat Race" with Cuba Gooding?,
is that what I think it is! - ohhhhhhhhhhh there's pudding!...
One Rocco has left and another will arrive in two days,
so Paul can tell us if he got any lays...
Odds are he's still shopping at Virgin at age 21,
even though all the girls want him under the sun...
Hmmm I can't wait to make Wolverine on the court feel my
wrath, after I sip down a 2 liter of Dr. Path...
Sunday is our basketball reunion game and I'll unleash
the muffs, while Alexis stays home and tears up those Cocoa Puffs...
Can't wait to bust some ass and show you the true Mount
Whitey, just please Alex don't show up in that U.S.A. tighty...
~ Charles "Dr." Stella
Some of them are hairy, Some of them are
bald, Some are kinda scary, And this is what they're called,
Chorus VAGINA!, VAGINA! They call that thing
Some belong to virgins, They're really tight and strong, But big or small, I love 'em all, And that's
why I sing my song, (chorus) Some are kinda smelly, Like clams and fish and such, Some smell like a summer's eve, 'Cause
they've been douched too much. (chorus) (chorus) Nothing could be finer than to be in a vagina in the morning.

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {September
28, 2001}
Hey yo, hey yo,
I got the flow, my rhymes are hotter than a wicked mug of cocoa...
I start my new job tomorrow in the mall,
which is what someone might need to find - ech hem Paul...
Everyday in Albany is nothing but constant woodies, Dustin you can't deny Trevin of
the sweet goodies...
I guess the secret is out about Tory and damn dude I'm sorry,
but if you don't get any booty I'm gonna kick your ass back to the days of Atari...
So Brion how are the NJ babes - any lucka?
Uh chucka chucka chucka...
Crystal I think I'll wait to buy the shirt from Modells Clearance
rack, and when I wear it to the courts I'll be on the attack...
Dirty cocks, dirty dirty cocks, I know you like that dirty cock,
my raps are better than Tu-Pac...
I can't believe you fell for it Alexis geez,
nigga please I'm the macaroni and the cheese...
Send out your college application Alex don't be a wussy,
cause the road to the University at Albany is paved in pussy...
Ah ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
~ Charles "Judge of case # 69: Sweet Goodies Trial"

Stella's Rhyme Time Session + Bonus
Picture {September 30, 2001}
Hey yo, hey yo,
I got the flow, so grab your partner and go docey dough...
Cause I got the hot rhymes and a high-tech
sound, that'll make your body get down on the ground...
I got a sexy ass body & the girls are
always lookin', if ya smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell what my cock is cookin'...
Home, home on the range,
where "Zoolander" isn't worth the $8 and change...
Will anyone else get off the Virgin Islands?
- it's something I wonder, I'll be waiting at the airport with open arms and a glass of Dr. Thunder...
Tory it appears you lost your chance I'm disappointed
in you, no girl will be fucking you or gulping your goo...
Paul better tap Angelica or all hope is lost,
Wolverine you must penetrate her love canal no matter what the cost...
To make you virgins feel better look below
for the alliteration game, and the very last one is Alex's claim to fame...
~ Charles "unleashing the power
of Manning" Stella
Cowabunga Cocks
Succulent Snatch
Tantalizing Twat
Banana Booty
Revolutionary Rump
Overzealous Ovaries
Fanatical Fallopian Tubes
Collectively Covered Clit
Flamboyant Foreskin
Petrified Peehole
Putrid Pubes
Lavish Labia
Vivacious Vulva
Astonishing Areola
Rambunctious Rump
Death Defying Dick
Ambidextrous Ass
Serendipitous Circumcision
Pretentious Prick
Extravagent Extremities
Erogenous Erection
Jumbelya Jizz

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {September
8, 2001}
Hey yo, hey yo,
I got the flow, hot ladies pass by me & something in my pants starts to grow...
When I see a sexy girl I ask for a smoochie woochie,
that and, "Gimme just one bite, of that coochie!"
I wish I was in Brooklyn so I could play ball,
I am the Kicker of the Year as I recall...
Come the Turkey Bowl I will go for something more,
for the QB award I'll be knocking at the door...
Listen to what I say while over here I'm rappin',
a bigger QB role for me will happen...
Fuck being a wide receiver cause it's obvious I lost my touch,
but my throwing skills have gotten better, but I won't say how much...
The Fantasy Baseball Season is over and The Shabaronkees are at
the top, this calls for a celebration glass of Sam's Choice soda pop...
Gotta cut this short but I'll write back on Wednesday night,
in the meantime I'm gonna grab a bite...
~ Charles "hitting the books hard like I hit Tonya
C. hard lat night" Stella
P.S. - Bills, NAH NAH NAH NAH!

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {October
11, 2001}
Hey yo, hey yo,
I got the flow, my raps are so hot they fuckin glow...
The Yankees might have lost but they won't go down without a fight,
don't screw with me cause nigga I'm so bright - I'm my light...
"Don't Say A Word" was pretty good I must say,
but I know what would be better - a nice lay...
What about you Paul? - Did you live the dream?,
and give Angelica some of your own whipped cream?
Damn Dustin it was your anniversary and you couldn't close the
deal, still being a virgin how does it feel?
So Alex are you getting any closer to winning the bet?,
or next August will you be $20 in debt?
Alexis you dork any tricks up your sleeve?,
so you can get it on with the guy of your dreams Steve...
Miss Jetta I miss the Sunnydale and Kool Stuf tarts,
but not those stinky ass room-clearing farts...
It's 12:20 a.m. so I must cut this short,
like Dustin's living situation in Port.
~ Charles "let's kick the tires and light the fires big daddy"

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {October
12, 2001}
Hey yo, hey yo,
I got the flow, I drink C&C so I ain't slow...
I don't wanna be the crutch - one step away from down,
I don't wanna be the crutch - I want some Sunnydale from C-Town...
I miss cutting everyone up on A-court and making everyone's knees
weak, I miss that fishy smell after every time it rains in the Creek...
I miss those dusty couches in the 10B living room,
I miss those farts of Crystal's that seem to eternally loom...
I miss telling Alex to pop a Tic-Tac for the sake of man-kind,
I miss making fun of Alexis' behind...
I miss walking past the Starrett Fish Market with that stench
of salmon, I miss every lunch consisting of Mountain Path and Ramen...
Turkey Bowl 2K1 will be my time to shine,
the arm's feeling good and damn I feel fine...
For now it's getting interesting in the ninth - let's go Yanks!,
go Buffalo - they're really falling in the ranks...
NAH NAH NAH NAH! Yanks lose...
~ Charles "Starrett Shabaronkee" Stella
P.S. - Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there's pudding!

Stella's Rhyme Time Session {January
25, 2002}
Here I go, here I go, with the
ill-advised flow, wish I was in the Creek so I can go to Mo......Dells that is
Alex Peter the anteater,
had a girlfriend loved to eat her, made Marina give him head, fucked her ass and went to
Alexis and Oscar went up the hill and Oscar tried to hump
her, Alexis said, "No", Jack said "So, I'll ram it in your huge dumper."
Hickory Dickory dock, Dustin's balls fell
out of his jock, He laid them to rest, on his girlfriend Jen's chest, and
paddled her face with his cock
Rock-a-bye Trevin on the tree top, your mother's
a whore I ain't your pop
Cocoa and Tory up a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G,
first cums Cocoa then cums Tory, wait it's just a sex dream - his life story
Paul Rocco was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he,
he chewed on Angelica's tit, took a mean shit, washed the pussy taste down with some tea
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle,
the cow jumped over the moon, give it up Crystal you know it won't happen, Jose will never taste your poon
Brion be nimble, Brion be quick, Brion won't
let go of his fuckin' dick
So yo that's my flow I gotz to
go, hope you liked my rhymes cause they were like wHoA!
Peace in the Middle East.....Peace.....No peace!

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time Session
{January 27, 2002}
Hey yo, hey yo, I got the
flow, 10B dwellers pay the rent or ya gotta get up and go
The Patriots win today practically blew off my socks,
Crystal ya better go house shopping soon for your cardboard box
Just kidding with ya Jetta I'm sure you'll be fine,
just drink C&C and all is divine
Rams vs. Patriots in Superbowl 36, got any
pics?, pics huh huh pics, pics yeah pics
Last night I broke out the hot pot and tore up the Ramen,
I wanna get buck naked and bang Becky Hammon
Next weekend I'll be working back at Price Chopper,
I'll also be showing a girl my version of the whopper
Gotta cut this short cause I gotta read mad stuff,
as Alex dreams of invading Marina's muff
As I shout, "Peace Out!"

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time Session
{January 29, 2002}
Hey yo, hey yo, I got the
flow, I need to find a job quick cause my cash is running low
Fuck the Price Chop they said I can't work there no more,
so they turned me away and showed me the door
"We're not taking any more students," the bitch manager said,
after that I could sure go for some nice head
Now all I have left till the summer is 1,000 bucks,
that won't last me long quite frankly it sucks
Fuck the supermarket they promised me a spot,
I'm so depressed maybe I'll toke up some pot
I'm in a pissed off mood but if I have to be unemployed then
I must, I'm going to the shower for about an hour to relax and to bust
Viva Los Vaginas!

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time Session
{February 1, 2002}
Hey yo, hey yo, I got the
flow, all these honeys in Albany make my penis grow
The Farmer in the Dell, the Farmer in the
Dell, Hi ho the cherry-O I'm gonna tap ass tonight like a well
I'm gonna examine her clit and open the lips wider,
and bounce that ass like a low rider
There must be something wrong with Al Pacino's nose,
cause the scent of a woman is like rotten tomatoes
Alex is tearing up Yemden's twat like it's cheesey bread, and
Jen's been giving Dustin nothing but head
I can't wait to see Brion's Internet Vagina Expose, nah
nah nah Crystal's never gonna get Jose
Paul finally got Angelica to lick his sack,
while Alexis is contemplating reducing her rack
Tory sends me phone messages that say COCKBOY,
Trevin tears up Smallworld and jumps for joy
I believe in Mr Bigguns cause he's the only real God,
just like me he has a sexy bod
I can't wait to meet him when I die, for
now I gotta go and munch on some hair pie
Peace out, ya make me wanna shout,
no doubt!

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time Session
{February 5, 2002}
Hey yo, hey yo,
I got the flow, get out of the toxic Creek or your genitals will glow
Alex loves to drive Marina over to his humble abode,
but he'll never get Yemden to swallow his sticky load
The Patriots have the trophy and it looks blingity bling,
Crystal has a bottle of C&C and a fabulous box spring
Too bad that spring won't be put to the test with Lance,
and you know you won't ever get into Jose's pants
Today is the 50th birthday of Mr. Potato Head,
Alexis why don't you celebrate by taking Oscar to bed?
Shakira's fine booty makes my penis wrangle,
remember that you must destroy the triangle
The Fresh Prince of BK returns in 17 days,
I hope my arrival will bring lots of sunshine rays
I'm the M.V.P. and this year will be the same,
I've still got the skills & I still have the game
Don't get mad when I block your shot about 30 times,
just get over it and follow the advice of my rhymes
Cause my raps are words of wisdom ya hear,
just take it from the 2001 Kicker of the Year
I'm outie!
P.S. - Check out the song Brion made for me, it's on the front
page of my website. Just download and listen.

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time Session
{March 7, 2002}
It's time, it's time,
to hear me rhyme, cause you know that my flow is too sublime
Alex is tearing up Marina his little vanilla,
just don't kill her with your breath cause it's as hot as Godzilla
Just fucking with you Polish Prince it's not
that hot, now get your ass over to Yemden's and tear up that twat
When I look around at my Festivus friends I smell
mostly virgin blood, you got to get on the ball don't be a dud
Summer's coming up and that's the best time of
the year to score, find a member of the opposite sex and hit it raw down to the floor
Crystal and Alexis it's about time you got hammered
like chop meat, doggie style, misionary or in a seat
Dustin my bro your ticket is long overdo,
so pummel Jen's snatch and give her your goo
Crystal just hit Jose and forget about Jeter,
Alex it's about time you feed Marina's muff your anteater.
Trevin and Tory this is your year,
just to remind you Alex might beat you do you feel the fear?
I believe in you all who have not gotten laid,
you all up in the Kool Aid but you do not know the flava, Ja-Ja-Jade.......ed!
I'm out like gays in the military...
~ Charles "Former Festivus Chairman" Stella
P.S. - Long live Festivus!

Heres my Damn Rhyme time.
{March 11th, 2002}
Hey yo hey yo, look at me trevin
sabotaged my small world team now Im # 3
I got
mad shit to say, mad shit to spray me and noski got dumped the same day
Aint that some shit, the bitch needs
time, well I dont care I was still waxing that Behind
it looks like me and alex are on the attack and ready to Mac the ladies tell me "come here baby" alex will need a TIC
It looks like Dustin will be workin at the Vet. How does he still manage to keep Jen's pussy wet?
Im gonna all the bitches party start cause Im getting my dough flippin
wigs at K-Mart.
I got to go yes Indead I need some fucking.......Butt and Weed
~ Paul Rocco

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time with
a twist {March 13, 2002}
I don't say PLEASE, I
don't eat my PEAS! I don't turn my head when I cough and SNEEZE!
I'm phat on the street, hangin' wit ma POSSE! Alex got crud in ma teeth cause he don't dental FLOSSIE!
You got no SKILLS! Can't
pay dem BILLS! You eat dead bugs off da window SILLS!
Chillin' Illin' The Creek is swillin' Callin'
1-900 and yo mom they're billin'
I'm a funky FREAK, onna
rhymin' STREAK! I do a little dance cause I gotta take a LEAK!
I'm rollin wit ma G's, I'm a tall biatch at six-FO! I'm outta DEPENDS so we're headin to tha STO!
I ain't no HERO, I
divide by ZERO! I run from trouble like Emperor NERO!
I pump shots to ya DOME! I
stay at HOME! Basantee used to tuck me in and read me a POEM!
I'm wicked and DOPE! Blessed
by da POPE! I stand on tha corner while Alex chugs SCOPE!
Infected with tha GROOVE, I
bust a MOVE! I like fine art so I toured the LOUVRE!
I'm puttin suckas DOWN wit ma TEC! I
gotta pay CASH cause I bounced a CHECK!
I kick it old SCHOOL! I
stutter and DROOL! I'll come to ya house and then I'll wiz in ya POOL!

Mt. La Stella's Rhyme Time Session
{May 3, 2002}
This Rhyme Time Session is a special edition, it's Trevin "Big Dawg"
Frazier and Mt. Whitey rapping back and forth over AOL. Check it out, Trevin's in blue and I'm in red:
I need money and that ain't funny
MtLaStella: I got a bad cash flow, now get
me a girl to give me a blow
I'm in a mad dash for cash, now do the monster mash Alex looks like he has a 24-7 rash
I hope the Nets lose in round two, I can really go for some hot ass from a Jew
You're too funny I had to laugh, damn my penis is the length of the neck of a giraffe
Paul's going back to Shane but what's the deal, I hope he doesn't get free blows from girls who order Happy meals
I got hotter rhymes than the Mother Goose, tonight I'm gonna be knocking some Asian caboose
I got a hot ass flow I don't mean to gloat, don't try and compete with me or I'll make you deep throat
My freestyles are kicking like Bruce Lee, your rhymes are cold like iced tea
MtLaStella: I'm a real rapper fuck Snoop and his loddy doddy
doddy da, my tracks are blazing and yours are nah nah nah nah nah
Your rhymes wouldn't sell for even a nickel, no flow - too crooked like Paul Mr. Pickel
My rhymes are too sophisticated I'm a lyrical Dhali Llama, I'll bust a rhyme to your face then bust a nut
on your mama
I don't wanna be vicious I don't wanna be blunt, but my freestyling is tighter than Crystal's forever virgin
~ Mt. Whitey